건축그래픽2 아이소메트릭 마스터플랜 After School Children's Club After School Children's Club Design by CCA Centro de Colaboración Arquitectónica 멕시코의 6세~18세 학생들을 위한 방과후 학교. 2020. 7. 23. 건축 다이어그램과 컨셉 이미지 Durana Lot 1 by Yellow Office Durana Lot 1 by Yellow Office competition promoter: Atelier Albania and the Albanian Government with: PIOVENEFABI, ArchiSpace Studio, Mobility in Chain, Stefano Graziani status: International Urban Design Competition – Open Call place: Tirana, Albania result: First Prize period: 2014-ongoing(2020) description: Three territorial sections perpendicular to the valley has been taken into considerati.. 2020. 6. 30. 이전 1 다음